The Replicants

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The Replicants are a Belgian – American band consisting of members Ingstar and Skeelo who have been working together since the second equinox of the third millennium. Their musical influences range from Singer/songwriter to Alt Pop, Modern Folk and Indie Rock, with a little Scandinavian Folk Dance for good measure. They were signed to Number Vun Records in 2020 and are produced by the production team Vortex Music.

Their song “Breakaway” recently ranked #1 on the Folk chart on and their earlier release “Sing To Me A Song of Christmas” has achieved over 400,000 streams and in a short time  The Replicants have over 8,300 listeners.

When asked who their target audience is, Ingstar and Skeelo emphatically replied, “We just want to make music for the mastiffs.”

And no… that is not a typo.

For licensing information please contact Michael Norinsberg at